Welcome Victor Xing!

Lakadamyali lab keeps growing. We are pleased to welcome Victor, who has decided to join the lab as a PhD student after having completed his rotation in the lab!

Triple celebration in the Lakadamyali Lab

We celebrated Jose-Angel Martinez Sarmiento successfully defending his thesis! Hannah Kim passed her prelims with flying colors to officially become a PhD candidate. And Adriana Naomi Santiago-Ruiz got her NIH F31 fellowship funded! What a week! Congratulations to Angel, Hannah and Adriana!

Welcome Solon Andrades Da Rosa

We have a new visiting PhD student from the ICBS/UFRGS in Brazil. Solon will study the heterogeneity of senescent cells in glioblastoma cancer using super-resolution microscopy. We are excited to have him in the lab

Our paper on the impact of chemomechanical cues on chromatin in Nature BME

Our collaborative work with the labs of Su Chin Heo, Rob Mauck, Vivek Shenoy and Jason Burdick showing how degenerative chemomechanical cues in disease impact chromatin spatial organization is out in Nature Biomedical Engineering. Congratulations to all authors. This has been a fun collaboration. Read here the paper:


And the highlight in Penn Medicine News:


Big Weekend in the Lakadamyali lab

Lakadamyali lab had a double celebration over the long 4th of July weekend. We celebrated Melina’s wedding - Congratulations Melina and Nick - and we celebrated the arrival of Angel’s baby on the very same day, Dara Valentina - Congratulations Angel and Yazmin -

Congratulations Dr. Gyparaki

Big congratulations to Melina Gyparaki, the first student to join the Lakadamyali lab at Penn, for successfully defending her thesis and becoming the first Penn graduate of the Lakadamyali lab. We are very proud of what you have accomplished over these years!

Congratulations Siewert!

Siewert's paper from the LASIRE lab (University of Lille, France) was selected for the Editor's choice for Super-resolution microscopy collection in Scientific Reports. Congratulations Siewert!

Open Postdoc Positions

We have open postdoc positions to work at the interface of advanced microscopy and cell biology of intracellular transport, protein aggregates and the nucleus. Interested individuals should email their CV and cover letter to Melike.

Our new review paper out in Molecular Cell!

January 2022 — Our new review paper on super-resolution is out in Molecular Cell. Huge congratulations to Charlie, Adriana and Qing on the big effort that made this review possible. You can check it out here: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1097276521010844?via%3Dihub

Welcome Siewert!

September 13, 2021 — We welcome Siewert Hugelier to the lab. Siewert will continue Arian’s legacy on the development of computational tools for super-resolution microscopy and single molecule imaging. We are thrilled to have him join the team!

Goodbye Arian!

August 27, 2021 — We are sad to say goodbye to Arian Arab but excited for his next steps and his transition to the FDA. Arian made a huge impact to the lab’s computational development efforts during his time in the lab and he will be missed!